【会员动态】山西文旅晋非投资公司与德国最大酒店集团maritim联手 文旅集团兰博泰尔酒店正式出海 -爱游戏官网

【会员动态】山西文旅晋非投资公司与德国最大酒店集团maritim联手 文旅集团兰博泰尔酒店正式出海
[来源:中非民间商会]    [发布日期:2021-07-27 19:24:00]


the first 5-star international hotel of shanxi culture tourism group has officially signed a contract and set sail. the signing ceremony of the management agreement for maritim lambent hotel jinfei mauritius between maritim hotels group, the largest owner-managed hotel group in germany, and shanxi culture tourism group jinfei investment co. ltd was held on the afternoon of july 16, 2021. maritim lambent hotel jinfei mauritius will be managed under the maritim brand. it will be the third hotel in mauritius by maritim hotels, the prestigious european hotel management brand. this cooperation will open a new mode for china-germany cooperation and a new chapter for shanxi culture tourism group's international hotel operation.

山西文旅集团专职党委副书记、副董事长李堂锁;山西文旅集团副总经理、晋非公司董事长行连军;山西文旅酒店集团董事长樊乐平;山西文旅晋非投资公司副董事长、总经理赵志伟;山西文旅晋非投资公司副总经理、毛里求斯晋非经贸合作区有限公司总经理杨长河;毛里求斯旅游促进局局长mr. arvind bundhun;德国玛丽蒂姆集团董事长dr. monika gommolla;玛丽蒂姆集团首席商务官mr. roland elter;玛丽蒂姆集团亚洲区市场营销副总裁段惠莲;玛丽蒂姆集团亚洲区爱游戏官网的技术支持及项目设计总监mr. michael luk等多位中、德、毛代表出席了此次签约仪式。

mr. li tangsuo (deputy secretary of the sxct cpc, vice chairman of shanxi culture & tourism investment holding group), mr. xing lianjun (vice president of shanxi culture & tourism investment holding group, party branch secretary and chairman of shanxi jinfei investment co. ltd),  mr. fan leping (chairman of hotels group of sxct),mr. zhao zhiwei (general manager of shanxi jinfei investment co. ltd, legal representative of jinfei eden development co, ltd), mr. yang changhe (vice general manager of shanxi jinfei investment co. ltd, general manager of mauritius jinfei economic trade and cooperation zone co. ltd), mr. arvind bundhun (director of mauritius tourism promotion authority), dr. monika gommolla (chairwoman of maritim hotelgesellschaft mbh / owner maritim group), mr. roland elter (chief commercial officer of maritim hotelgesellschaft mbh), dr. huilian duan (vp sales & marketing of maritim hotels apac), mr. michael luk (head of ts & project design of maritim hotels apac) and other representatives from china, germany and mauritius attended the signing ceremony.

行连军表示:ihs商务公寓酒店项目是晋非发展史上的一个重要里程碑。无疑也是国际合作的典范,这个项目是由法国和中国建筑师设计,山西建筑工程集团公司承建,具有豪华酒店内装设计业绩的国际团队莱茵之华进行内装设计,因业绩优异服务精细而久负盛名的德国maritim酒店集团负责运营,集各方最擅长的技艺和优势而共同打造。该项目不仅造型独特,内装精致, 服务上乘,同时也是收益良好的投资性产品,单元购买者可以获得每年3%的投资回报及在毛里求斯这个天堂岛上免费居住45天的欢乐时光。


xing lianjun said, this project, ihs business apartment hotel, serves a very important role in the developing history of jinfei zone. it is definitely a masterpiece of international cooperation. it is designed by french and chinese architects, constructed by shanxi engineering group, interior decoration by rhinescheme, a team reputed for luxurious hotel decoration, and to be managed by maritim hotels, a well-known germany hotel chain group for its remarkable performance and excellent services. it combines each party’s expertise and advantages, not only for its super architectural design and fine interior decoration, quality services and management, but for its attractiveness as an investment project that the buyer would benefit on a yearly return of 3% over the investment and a 45-day free stay in the paradise-like island of mauritius.

the cooperation between shanxi cultural tourism jinfei investment co. ltd and germany maritim hotels group will rely on maritim’s outstanding business performance and management level to operate maritim lambent hotel jinfei mauritius. the signing of the hotel management agreement is of great significance and has a positive role in promoting the project. expected to open in 2024, the hotel will provide guests with a new and comfortable experience.

玛丽蒂姆酒店集团董事长dr. gommolla女士表示:“玛丽蒂姆品牌已在毛里求斯深耕30多年,对毛里求斯市场十分了解。毛里求斯晋非经贸合作区的建设成绩众所周知,已经成为影响毛里求斯未来经济和社会发展的重要因素。我们非常看好与晋非在这一项目上的合作前景,这将为玛丽蒂姆在毛里求斯形成更好的品牌矩阵,进一步提升品牌的辐射力和影响力。”据悉,晋非玛丽蒂姆酒店计划于2024年开业。

chairwoman of maritim hotel, dr. gommolla believes “maritim’s 30 years of experience in mauritius will assist the new built property to be an iconic development on the island.  the collaboration with the fast growing jinfei economic trade and corporation zone will be an uplift of our brand and further furnishing on our portfolio.” the new hotel is scheduled to open in 2024.


maritim hotels (玛丽蒂姆酒店集团)总部位于德国,是德国最知名的酒店集团,也是德国最大的会议展会活动设施的业主及管理公司。目前在德国、中国、西班牙、马耳他、毛里求斯、埃及、保加利亚以及阿尔巴尼亚拥有近50家酒店。集团自 1969 年成立至今,一直在引领德国酒店业的发展进程中发挥决定性影响,并作为德国著名连锁酒店享有国际盛誉。旗下酒店类型丰富,包括城市酒店、机场酒店、海滩度假酒店、高尔夫球场酒店以及风景区温泉酒店。每一处酒店既体现出玛丽蒂姆"德国品质•议居同宇"的品牌主张,又各有特色。在活动设施方面,玛丽蒂姆提供的是远超同侪的会议大厅和会议室;还有优雅的住宿环境、内容精彩的活动室、名厨主理的餐厅、新品迭出的酒吧和配置丰富的健身设施,让消费者身心俱享,也使得"玛丽蒂姆"成为世界一流酒店的代名词。具体信息请参考www.maritim.de.

about maritim hotels:

maritim is the most famous hotel group in germany and the largest owner and management company of the conference and exhibition event facilities in germany. it has been playing a decisive role in the development of germany's hotel industry since its founding in 1969 and the country's best known hotel chain now enjoys an international reputation. the comprehensive portfolio includes centrally located city hotels, conveniently located airport hotels, coastal beach resorts, lakeside family hotels, course-adjoining golf hotels and parkland spa hotels. while every property is uniquely individual with its own advantages, they are united under maritim's motto of ‘meetings and accommodation under one roof'. when it comes to event facilities, no other private company in germany can match maritim's collection of congress halls and meeting rooms. both national and international clients appreciate maritim's excellent event infrastructure combined with its wealth of experience planning, organizing and managing gatherings of all scales. the elegant accommodation, state of the art event rooms, award winning restaurants, sought-after pubs and comprehensively equipped wellness facilities have made the name "maritim" synonymous with german hospitality excellence. more details please check on www.maritim.de.





buyer of ihs apartment is benefited with a 3% return over the price of the unit.

2. 本人和家人享受martim集团旗下酒店每年免费45天的居住。(价值13000美金)
having lease-back agreement signed allows owner to stay up to 45-day free stay in a period of 12 months.

3. 获得毛里求斯永久居留权。
buyer of an apartment over half a million usd(excl vat) is eligible for a residence permit.

4. 在毛里求斯期间享受公立医院免费医疗待遇。
free medical treatment in public hospitals during stay in mauritius.

5. 在毛里求斯期间享受公立学校免费教育待遇。
free education in public schools in mauritius.

6. 买房获赠世界名画一幅,并享受“艺术家俱乐部”会员待遇以及艺术品涨价带来的红利。
receive a world-famous painting,and enjoy the " artists club " membership treatment value appreciation.


1. 可作为企业总部入驻,免费帮忙注册海外公司。

can be settled as the headquarters of enterprises, no time limit for stay.

2. 可选择返租享受返租收益。

lease back optional.

3. 获得毛里求斯永久居留权。
eligibility for residence permit.

4. 在毛里求斯期间享受公立医院免费医疗待遇。
free medical treatment in public hospitals during stay in mauritius.

5. 在毛里求斯期间享受公立学校免费教育待遇。
free education in public schools in mauritius.

6. 可自由买卖转让,享受房产涨价带来的红利。
it can be sold and transferred freely.
